Shipping Policy

When will you ship my item(s)?
  • All orders are subject to a processing period before they are shipped.
  • The majority of our items are processed within 10 days of payment.
  • You will be notified via email when your item(s) have been shipped and provided a tracking number for your package.
When will I receive my item(s)?
  • Custom made print on demand apparel may take up to 15 days for delivery.
  • All other items will be delivered within approximately 3-4 weeks.
  • For our specialty and giveaway items, please allow up to 4-6 weeks for delivery; as they may be shipped from other countries.
  • International shipping and delivery times may take a little longer due to customs.
Where are your items shipped from?
  • Although our fulfillment house is located in Garland, TX some of our specialty items may be shipped from our international partners around the globe.
If I order multiple items, will they be shipped in one package?
  • For logistical reasons, multiple items purchased in the same order may be sent in separate packages. We do this to so you don't have to wait for your items to be delivered in one package.
Can I change, cancel or receive a refund for my order?
  • If you wish to change, cancel or receive a refund for your order, you are allowed to do so only before your item has been shipped. Once we send your shipping confirmation email, we no longer have the ability to make changes or to cancel the order.
  • Of course, we will always take your issue into special consideration on a case by case basis.
What if I receive a damaged or the wrong item?
  • If you have received the damaged or wrong product, please send image proof and
    we will either give you a refund or replace your product depending on your the situation.
If you have any other questions, please email us at
Thank you for being a customer!

Deep In Prayer: Prayer Journal For Women

Embark on a journey of spiritual growth and self-discovery with "Deep In Prayer," a beautifully crafted prayer journal designed to uplift and inspire women of all walks of life. With its elegant hardcover and convenient 6 x 9 size, this journal is the perfect companion for your daily devotions and heartfelt reflections.

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Christmas Themed Book Games for Kids

Ages 4-8 Christmas Themed Puzzle Activity Book with Connect-the-Dots, Word Search, Mazes, Coloring Pages, and more!

Click Here

My Dreams and Me Dream Journal

Keep this journal right next to your bed so you can jot down every detail of your dreams so that you can try to understand them more, and understand yourself more by making connections with your conscious and subconscious mind.

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Thanksgiving Activity BookFor Kids

Having trouble finding free time because your kids want to be entertained? Kids will spend hours playing these activity games such as, Word Search, Mazes, and Sudoku. Also, there's pages for your child to cut out, color, and connect the dots! Kids will enjoy celebrating their Thanksgiving holiday with this awesome Thanksgiving activity book! This book has the cutest illustrations of pumpkins, fall leaves, turkeys, and more!

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Fall and Thanksgiving Coloring Book

Coloring Pages of Turkeys, Pumpkins, Pilgrims, Animals, and more for Kids Ages 2-10 to enjoy!

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Tracker Queen: A Tracker for Bills, Debts, and Passwords

Take control of your finances and streamline your life with "Tracker Queen," your ultimate companion for managing bills, debts, and passwords with ease and efficiency. This indispensable tracker book is meticulously designed to help you stay organized and empowered on your journey to financial freedom and digital security.

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Geometry Coloring Book

Fantastic Geometric Patterns created for people who are looking for a coloring experience like never before, filled to the brim with an amazing collection of geometrical designs you are sure to have an absolute blast!

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Meditation Journal: A Journey With You and The Universe

Empower yourself on a journey to inner peace with our beautifully crafted meditation journal, specially designed for women of color. Available in different cover variables.

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Butterfly Coloring Book

Color - Fantastic Designs with Flowers and Butterflies to Color and Relax. Dive into an extraordinary collection of pages adorned with mesmerizing butterfly designs intertwined with delicate flowers, promising you an absolute blast!

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Flower Patterns Coloring Book

Our brand new 'Flower Patterns Coloring Book' has been created for people who are looking for a coloring book like never before, filled with fantastic and relaxing designs you are sure to have an absolute blast with this book!

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